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Sunday, 19 September 2010

i have survived

Okay, so: I think I can safely say I have survived fresher's week. There's still some kind of pyjama party thing tonight, but the ultimate "survival" party was last night and I'm actually really looking forward to tomorrow's lectures, so I wanna be fresh tomorrow. As in fresh like the morning dew in the sunshine, not as in fresher fresh. I'm done with being fresher fresh, at least until next week-end (that's when I'm going to a pub crawl held by GU Nordic Society). We're gonna have a big dinner with all our flatmates to celebrate getting through the week alive. I'm gonna bake banana bread!

But it was pretty epic. Non stop partying for a week. Here's a list of my ultimate favourite party moments of the week:

- Putting your hand in the enormous mass of foam in a GUU (= Glasgow University Union) foam party (in the purpose of rubbing the foam all over your friends' faces, of course) and finding a swim fin. The fin is now in our kitchen as a party trophy.

- Drinking shots so that after every shot you have to kiss a picture of the Pope

- Playing Ring of Fire, the ultimate drinking game, practically every night with your flatmates

- Going out to the balcony for some fresh air in the kitchen, looking down to the garden (we're in the second floor); oh, so THAT'S where our missing mop is. Someone has thrown it down.

- Suddenly the security guys crash our flat party. But not because they want to complain about our party; no, apparently there's a CCTV in our balcony and they've seen somebody smoking there, which apparently is banned even in the balcony. So we live in a Big Brother house? Well, after preaching to us a little, the security guy says: "...and what's that piece of toilet doing on the table?". Somebody has taken our toilet seat and put it on kitchen table. Yuck.

- Dancing to Lion King and High School Musical tunes in the QM (= Queen Margaret Union, the other of the two GU unions) headphone disco. The club night's epic ending: everybody's singing "Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond" ("O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak the low road, an' I'll be in Scotland afore ye; but me and my true love will never meet again on the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomon'") at the top of their lungs

- Dancing to Digimon opening theme in the kitchen.

- Making the most awful punch ever (including vodka, cranberry juice, beer, Strongbow, tequila, sparkling wine, salty liquorice shots, Jägermeister and everything else we can get in our hands) and making everyone in the building taste it and taking pictures of their faces

- Waking up in the morning, looking at your desk and finding a unfamiliar pair of sunglasses without now idea whose they are. Your own sunglasses are missing.

- Waking up in the morning, wanting to put some ice in your juice; but the freezer is filled with weird, unidentified frozen goo. Oh right. We've forgotten to take out the beer cans and they apparently have exploded during the night.

- Waking up in the morning, thinking: "Oh, I actually feel pretty good!" But after some thought you realize, that no, you're not good; you have just forgotten how it feels like not to wake up hang over, so it feels weirdly normal.

This is the censored list, though. Kinda relieved the week is over. Can't wait for tomorrow! University life, here I come!


Hombie said...

Tuo se vasta oikealta opiskeluelämältä kuulostaa :D Kuulostaisi myös siltä että olet tutustunut hyvin opiskelukavereihisi?

Matilda said...

Wooo, en muista, ihan liian paljon! Jotain .... 14 euroa makso shampoo? Ehkä? anyways, kyll ne kaikki oli mun mielest yli kympin, koskee, koskee.... mut pakko ku oli nii ihanat nimet ja pullo :DD

iits said...

OMG cant wait to get there :DDDD

meg said...

what's ring of fire? ;__;

Tuuli said...

homppa: no siis, nää bileet on aina näiden kämppisten kanssa, niihin on kyllä jo semihyvin tullut tutustuttua :D me ollaan kyl aika erilaisia ihmisiä, mut meil on kivaa yhdessä! erityisesti bilettäessä :D mut opiskelutovereihin tutustuu tosi hitaasti; meitä on aina luennoilla melkein sata ihmistä .___. mut nyt oon vähitellen oppinu tunteen muutamia, kun meiän seminariit alko; seminaarit pidetään kymmenen hengen ryhmissä ^^

meg: ring of fire is kinda complicated :D you play it with a deck of cards, and every card orders the players to do different things (all girls drink, a rhyme game...). you should ask your welsh mates, it's kinda popular drinking game in UK! some call it also King's Cup or Waterfall. IT'S AMAZING

iits: can't wait to have you here :------)

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