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Monday, 6 September 2010

packing pondering

So, packing... I started with which I thought was the easiest - my dvd's, books and comics. Hah, how naïve the me of Sunday was... I reserved the smaller suitcase entirely for dvd's and books, thought that would be plenty. No way. My dvd's filled already the first half! And I have even more books! Even though I already had decided not to take Harry Potters or Tolkien's! Oh, this is gonna be so ugly... My mind is a battlefield... "Do I really need the French Grammar Book? But I love it so... And didn't I just finish reading the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? But I've used to looking at it on my shelf..."

Truth is I really don't want to leave any of them behind. My books, dvd's and comics are what make me feel home. If I ever feel homesick, I know that watching a loved movie or reading a Lucky Luke is what gets me in the track again.

I've been rereading Potters for the millionth time - how come they always manage to draw me completely in and make me feel all dizzy? To break my sense of reality like I was still eight years old? I've seen dreams somehow related to Potters for six nights in a row already. Last night was the weirdest - I think my antibiotics might have something to do with it, though (my every year tradition of having a sinusitis is early this year)... Somewhere in the borderland of wake and sleep, when you're not really sure if you're already dreaming or still awake, I was convinced that Voldemort was in my room for hours.

Also packed two very important items I'm not gonna find in Scotland - pulikka and juustohöylä.


iits said...

voldemort :DDDDDDDDDD gotta love him

Tuuli said...

oho löysit tän aika nopeesti :D

harry said...

totta kai ku stalkkaan sua DAY AND NIGHT JUST LIKE VOLDDDDYYYYYY i'm under your beeed aaahhh

Tuuli said...


(but, harry, it's okay if YOU stalk me and watch me in my sleep at nights...... <3)

Anonymous said...

mikä ihme on pulikka? sivistys aukossa aukko sivistyksessä


Tuuli said...

se on se sellane erityisesti karjalanpiirakoiden tekoon muotoiltu kaulin! sellanen palikka, joka on keskeltä levee ja reunoista ohuempi

Anonymous said...

aaa joo, meilläkin on sellanen :D


caitlin said...

darling, don't worry. visit a random drug store in helsinki and you'll find a folder for your cd's and dvd's. it's the easiest way, and you'll have plenty of extra space after that! i'm sure you don't mind having to take some more stuff with you, right?

Anonymous said...

Potter -kirjoilla jotenki on sellanen vaikutus, et niihin vaan uppoutuu! Se on pelottavaa/ihanaa!

Yhyy yritän yhä kuvitella mielessäni, ettet oo lähtemässä. Mut onneks meitsil on aina Sampo xD Aina ku nään sen koulussa, mulle tulee mieleen sie.


Tuuli said...

caitlin; drug store? why especially drug store, do they sell cd/dvd-folders? :D

Huna; älä huoli, kiellän sen itsekin vielä mielessäni aika täysin. ainaki päästään viel sealifeen yhdessä <3

C said...

Tuuli, yeah, drug store as in sekatavarakauppa. Apteekki would be a pharmacy ;)

Tuuli said...


but do they call them drug stores in Britain? o.O never heard :D thanks for teaching me!

caitlin said...

wouldn't know about british dialects, i only know the american ones, funnily enough :D

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